Flex IS TS > Emhart Glass

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Emhart Glass
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판매처 : 금비, 두산, 동화G&P, 삼광, 안성, Pacific Glass, 하이트산업 

Flex IS TS


Flex IS TS


Hot End - Control System
6,8,10,12 section IS Machine - SG, DG, 
     TG, QG,( Tandem 배열 포함) 적용
개별적 Section controller 및 24 VDC 
     Power supply (Section당 1개)
유럽안전 표준 규격(CE)에 부합한 Pilz digital 
     technology를 토대로 하여 개별적 MS Switch 및 
     E-Stop Switch 
Data 저장 장치가 있어 Hardware를 교환시 
     Data를 재 Setting 하지 않아도 됨
Ethernet Communication 및 Internet 및 
     Telephone Modem을 통한 원격 접근
Ware Handling Controller 포함
Modern Console



v_b.gifMachine Controller
v_b1.gif1.TH 및 TR, 565 Shear 및 535 Gob Distributor
v_b1.gif2. Machine conveyor, ware transfer, cross conveyor 및 stacker drive용 Intergraed Drive
v_b1.gif3. Gob Distributor, Machine Conveyor 및 Ware transfer용 interlock

v_b.gifSection Controller
v_b1.gif1. 64+ outputs with high repeatability and current supervision for NC and NC Valves
v_b1.gif2. 80 Events free assignable to outputs with atributes for blank or blow side and delivery
v_b1.gif3. 8 Analog outputs with up to 4 pressure levels ( TS only)
v_b1.gif4. Manual stop with and without delivery depnedency
v_b1.gif5. Individual HEWR with manual or automatic reset
v_b1.gif6. Special Cycle for Cold blanks or cold molds
v_b1.gif7. Special Cycle for Finish Measurement, Alternate Stop, Blowhead Adjust and Neckring Change 
          ( TS Only)
v_b1.gif8. Blow side special cycle

v_b.gifUser Console
v_b1.gif1. PC- Based visualization and data base
v_b1.gif2. 산업용 computer 및 touch screen
v_b1.gif3. Ergonomic screen navigation
v_b1.gif4. Special Cycle configuration tool
v_b1.gif5. Forming event configutation 
v_b1.gif6. Standard machines, 
v_b1.gif7. Job Handling and Job import / export
v_b1.gif8. Software version control and upgrade function
v_b1.gif9. Alarms, Logging and diagnostic tools
v_b1.gif10. Language Library
v_b1.gif11. Access rights
v_b1.gif12. Hand Held Terminal
v_b1.gif13. Production report, Downtime report and Job Memo
v_b1.gif14. Raid 1- Back up system
v_b1.gif15. Multi Gob Weight Feeder (준비중)



(주)신성엔지니어링 Shinsung Engineering Co., LTD.
# 804, Hyosung Intellian 8th Floor, 273, Simindaero, Kwanyang-Dong, Dongan-Ku, Anyang-City, Kyunggi-Do, KOREA ZIP : 14054
TEL. 031)384-8890 | FAX. 031)384-8990 | Email. seco@shinsungeng.co.kr | Youtube. https://www.youtube.com/@seco5827

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